Life has thrown a couple of insanely curve balls at me recently, and I've been taking things slow. This month I've felt that it's time for me to start "Moving Forward Boldly"—which means a few things. Specifically as it is applied here, offering these experiences in a more professional manner is something I've been wanting to do for a while. Part of the time has been spent building my skills, and part of the time has been me nervous to really take the jump. Who knows what will happen, but I do wonder about this concept as it relates to nurturing divinity. I've had a few experiences where moving forward boldly with something I've felt prompted and encouraged to do has resulted in emotional and physical pain and distress. These, for some reason, seem to stand out and rule my mojo a lot of the time. It sucks, but is super real.
While discussing Ether 3 with a friend recently, I was reminded of an important See God/See Self truth— in this chapter, the brother of Jared sees God. After he first sees his finger (and is shocked), he asks the Lord to reveal Himself. The Lord asks if he believes the words which He shall speak, and in verse 12 the brother of Jared says: "Yea, Lord, I know that though speakest the truth, for thou art a God of truth, and canst not lie." And then the Lord showed Himself unto him. Pretty awe-some. As I thought about times in my life when it seemed that the veil to seeing God became thinner, I recognized that not only was I believing and trusting God—I was believing and trusting myself. Sometimes it's hard to believe and trust that God isn't lying when He says He loves me and that it'll all be okay, because of what I've experienced. And sometimes it's hard to believe and trust in myself when I keep making "mistakes" or even brave choices that end disastrously. This conversation has Brene Brown oozing all over it and I am truly so grateful for her contribution to helping the world understand vulnerability and courage. I'm in the middle of reading her most recent book, RISING STRONG. The tagline reads: "If we are brave enough, often enough, we will fall. This is a book about what it takes to get back up." (At times I gobble this book up... at times I just sit there and look at it.) So here's my wrap-up: If I want to nurture my divinity, as I pursue that journey, I will fail and I will fall. Having the courage to keep trusting and believing in God and in myself, and get back up, is also part of that journey. Maybe it's the same for you. Here's to getting back up, and moving forward boldly. Namaste, my fellow earth-wanderers, Namaste.
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